Our solutions - ThinkONE Research & Consulting

For a tailor-made and innovative service, we offer a wide range of tools and methodologies to collect and detect the most hidden  and actionable insights.

Market & Business Knowledge

    • Market Intelligence : Benchmarking, trend analysis, stakeholders, business and regulatory environment, etc.
    • Market Analysis : Segments, distribution, drivers & opportunities, sizing and growth, feasibility, etc.
    • Strategic Analysis : Strategic analysis, Internal and external diag, Business intelligence
    • Digital Listening : Digital review, Social listening, Top reputation, Social analytics
    • Documentary studies (secondary research)

Quantitative studies

    • Face-to-face (CAPI) or telephone (CATI) studies
    • Online studies via panels (exclusive or partners) and dynamic sampling (social networks)
    • Emotional data studies (Facial Coding, Emotional Mapping)
    • CLT studies (Central Location Testing) & in-situ tests 
    • Shopper studies (Eye Tracking, Virtual shelves)

Qualitative studies

    • B2C & B2B studies : Focus Groups, Individual Interviews, Duos, Triads, etc.
    • Face-to-face or remote studies (online or by phone)
    • Mystery Shoppers or census studies
    • MindExplorer: Creativity sessions based on projective techniques
    • Video Reports: Highlighting insights through the magic of visualization

Behavioral studies

    • Ethnographic studies including in-home visits or field studies (e.g., Shop-Alongs)
    • Observational studies through WhatsApp
    • Nudging: Support for the design of strategies to change behaviors in a smooth way
    • Behavioral Programs: Training on key factors that influence decision making

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A research and consulting firm specializing in Market intelligence, Knowledge, Data and Customer insight.

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